Frew Park, Milton

Written By George Mylne  |  Brisbane  |  0 Comments

Frew Park is located in Milton and has many great features including:

  • One of the best kids playgrounds in Brisbane
  • Free parking at the park and street parking
  • Cafe
  • BBQs and picnic tables
  • Plenty of shaded areas to sit
  • Outdoor exercise gym
  • Lots of open space to throw frisbees or kick a ball around
  • Lots of paths for bikes and scooters, and
  • Tennis courts, basketball half court and a mini multicourt

Established where the former Milton Tennis Centre used to be, this park development is now a very popular destination for families with young kids on the weekends. One of the best places in Brisbane to let the kids loose for a few hours, or to even have a kids birthday party there.

Read on below to see what Frew Park has to offer and plenty of photographs.

Map of Frew Park Features and Facilities

Kids Playground

This is definitely the highlight of Frew Park. The appropriately named “The Arena”, this playground has a very urban feel to it, with lots of concrete panels and metal bars and slides it makes your kids feel like they are running and jumping through an unfinished building site.

The main part of the playground is really only suitable for the more independent kids (3-4 years and over) unless their parent is willing to get involved and help the little kids overcome the larger obstacles.

Your kids will be able to challenge their climbing ability on countless features such as:

  • Sloped and vertical concrete walls with climbing fixtures and bars
  • Metal change and rubbing matting spider web
  • Rope climbing nets
  • Rubber covered climbing hill
  • Firemans pole

There is also a toddler-friendly area where everything has been scaled down in size, but there are lots of features to keep the younger kids occupied and challenge their movements.

And a swing set that can be used by all ages.

There are some shaded areas in the park, but mostly the playground area doesn’t get any shade, so plenty of drinking water, hats and suncream is a must.

There aren’t any accessibility focused playground features here.

Other parks in Milton, Brisbane

Or check out our list of the Best Parks in Brisbane for Kids.

Outdoor Exercise Gym

The outdoor exercise gym at Frew Park is suitable for anyone of any age and experience level, with equipment that caters to everyone.

Features included are:

  • Cross trainer
  • Chin up, leg raiser and dip bars
  • Hip swivil thing
  • Aussie pull up hangin rings
  • Table tennis (bring your own racket and ball)
  • Weights that can be slide up and down a pole

Park Facilities

Free Parking

The parking on-site at Frew Park is free, but on a sunny day when the park is busy it does fill up quickly. Have a look at my map at the top of this post and I’ve marked some free street parking on Lucy street that I’ve used when the car park is full.

Open Space

There is heaps of open space both in front of the playground and in the middle of the pergolas and BBQs where your kids can do lots of different activities such as playing soccer or football, flying a kite, or playing a game of cricket.

Shaded Picnic and Sitting Areas with BBQs

There is a lot of shaded sitting areas all around the park, most sitting areas also have electric BBQs which are free to use.

Bike and Scooter Tracks

All over Frew Park are concrete paths for the kids to ride scooters and bikes around all day. You will be able to keep an eye on them riding around as the path is mostly visible from anywhere.


Littered around the park are sculptures that feature children doing activities such are eating ice cream, bowling and holding tennis rackets.

Cafe and Shop

Across from the playground is a cafe where you can buy food and drinks, and even buy or hire tennis gear and book in a game of tennis. At the bottom of the building are the toilets.

Tennis and Basketball Courts

If you want to play a game of tennis you can book one here – Roy Emerson Tennis Centre. The cost for hiring a count for the general public are $28 for the day and $35 dollars for the evening. There are 6 tennis courts available for hire.

There is also a multicourt area where you can practice hitting a ball against the block wall, or play a game of handball.

A part of the kids playground is a kind of basketball court with a few hoops and a sloped wall that will bounce the ball back to you.

Directions to Frew Park, Milton

Directions to Frew Park, Milton.

Video Of Frew Park

A video collage of all my photos taken and shown in his blog post.